Dassault Targets Life-Sciences with Mind, Body and Soul

2018 Analyst Brief

By: Daniel R. Matlis, President 

At this year’s conference, Dassault Systèmes demonstrated that they are going after Life-Sciences with Mind, Body, and Soul. Under the leadership of Bernard Charlès, Vice Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, the company displays a rare culture focused on long term audacious goals, driven by unbridled passion yet measured by meticulous execution. Charlès has helped instill a culture of ongoing innovation to further consolidate Dassault Systèmes’ scientific capabilities and make science part of the company’s DNA.

According to Charlès, “Dassault is a company with a long term mentality focused on the success of its customers. Dassault is about creating differentiating software that meets the needs of its clients.

Jean Colombel, Vice-President, Life-Sciences at Dassault Systèmes, commented that the company is working to enable innovative patient experiences through an Holistic Patient-Centric strategy.

Daniel R. Matlis, President at Axendia
Daniel R. Matlis, President at Axendia

In this brief, we reveal how Dassault Systèmes is effectively:

  • Going After the Mind: Building on the success of the Living Heart project, Dassault decided to model another “simple” organ, the human brain, the home of the mind.
  • Improving the Body: The 3D Experience platform allows the design and testing of in-silico 3D experiments based on virtual models, informed by real world evidence.
  • Putting its Soul into Health: Digital environments are pushing the bounds of possibility to transform research, science, the pharmaceutical industry, and medicine in general.

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