Companies Are Taking a Cloud-First Approach
By: Daniel R. Matlis, President and Sandra K. Rodriguez, Market Analyst
Life-Science organizations have implemented on premise electronic Quality Management Systems (QMS) for decades to support regulatory requirements and replace paper-based processes. These systems were often implemented to mitigate regulatory findings and in response to the “Whack-a-Mole” relationship between Industry and Regulators.
As a result, many companies implemented “Paper on Glass”, simply duplicating existing paper quality processes in electronic QMS. This approach created an environment of a mixed bag of disparate eQMS installations throughout the enterprise that have high degrees of customization. Now, IT and quality teams are faced with the daunting challenge of upgrading, migrating, and validating outdated legacy on premise QMS systems.
However, based on Axendia’s primary research on the adoption of Cloud QMS in the Life-Science Industry, we quickly determined that companies large and small, are taking a different course and are soaring to the modern cloud.
Our latest Voice of the Customer Report highlights interviews with 10 industry executives and represents 3 innovative Cloud QMS vendors. This comprehensive reports outlines:
- Why Cloud is No Longer Taboo
- Clouds Come in Many Shapes and Sizes – Not All Clouds are Created Equal
- Executive Accounts of Cloud QMS
- Why Life-Science Companies Are Moving to the Cloud
- End-To-End Cloud QMS Capabilities
- The Pros, Cons and Pitfalls to Avoid
- Recommendations and Thoughts to Consider
You are welcome to download your complimentary preview here.
To request the full report, please contact: Axendia Research.