By Daniel R. Matlis
Last year, I had breakfast with Dave Johnson, CEO of ConvaTec Inc. at “CEO Unplugged,” During the session; Mr. Johnson discussed the business and regulatory challenges the Medical Technology industry is facing today. In this environment, “I sleep like a baby – I wake up every 2 hours and cry,” he said.
Over the last year, I have had the opportunity to ask Medical Device industry executives, outsourcers and regulators what keeps them up at night?
The answer boils down this: “The increasing pace of globalization and outsourcing in the Medical Device industry has created demanding challenges for brand owners, their partners, and regulators alike.”
To identify key pain-points and innovative strategies that brand owners, their partners, and regulators are undertaking to cope in this new environment, Axendia is launching a research study.
This research will evaluate the impact of globalization and outsourcing across the entire Medical Device life cycle (from R&D design, supply chain, manufacturing and distribution). The study will provide insights into how industry leaders and regulators are utilizing innovative strategies and systems to improve visibility, control, and collaboration. It will also provide a roadmap to enable organization to mitigate risk and increase business success.
To support this project, the research team is seeking input from industry practitioners representing the broad spectrum of companies in the Medical Device sector – including organizations of all sizes and every geographic region across the broad spectrum of Medical Device products.
To provide your input for this important industry research and share your perspectives on Medical Device issues and trends, please complete the survey by clicking on this link:
The results of this study will be published in a comprehensive research report and presented at the MedicalDeviceSummit conference scheduled for May 9th and 10th in Chicago, IL.
Industry practitioners who complete the survey will be eligible to receive a copy of the Research Report once it is completed. Individual responses will remain confidential; responses will be aggregated to formulate the report findings.
We look forward to your contribution on this important research. Please complete the survey by clicking on this link: