Lead, Follow, Get Out of the Way, or Just Do Something!

As Posted by Audrey Sarsfield, Director of Marketing on April 06, 2011 in Absorb This

Early in my career I had the fortune to have exposure to several strong leaders that really made an impact on my “professional DNA” when we were blazing the wild west of  electronic media and discovering a new world, the world wide web. And when I look back, they were not necessarily conveying profound or new messages, but they were “activists” with a very overt message that was consistent in word and action, “Do something!”

Last week I attended a PA Bio meeting where Caroll Neubauer, Chairman and CEO of B. Braun spoke about the highs and lows of the medical device industry and a flood of memories took me back to those early days. The motivational take-away today was “we can only change if we are active”. When was the last time you were an “activist”?

Read the full article at: http://blog.absorption.com/absorb-this/lead-follow-get-out-of-the-way-or-just-do-something/

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