FDA’s Unique Device Identification (UDI) System is expected to transform disparate medical identification methods in used by different Healthcare stakeholder into a single device identification system that is consistent, unambiguous, standardized, and globally harmonized. To reach this goal will require the collaboration of all constituents in the medical device ecosystem.
The upcoming UDI Conference will provide an industry gathering to help medical device manufacturers, distributors, and hospitals prepare for implementing UDI. Jay Crowley, Senior Advisor for Patient Safety, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food & Drug Administration (FDA) will be providing the keynote address at the UDI Conference.
Leading Healthcare Associations will help sponsor the event to help medical device manufacturers, distributors, and hospitals prepare for implementing UDI. Association Sponsors include: AHRMM, AIDC 100, AIM, GS1 US, GS1 Global, HIBCC, and HIDA.
Axendia will be covering the UDI conference. Stay tuned for updates in Life Science Panorama. The UDI Conference is scheduled for December 1-2, 2010 at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore, MD.
To view the Conference Agenda at: http://udiconference.com/agenda.html
For additional information about this conference visit: http://www.UDIconference.com