HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt Joins the Blogosphere, For Now…

By Daniel R. Matlis

On August 13th, Secretary of the Department Of Health And Human Services Health And Human Services Mike Leavitt started writing his very own blog. The stated purpose of the Secretary’s blog, aptly named Secretary Mike Leavitt’s Blog, is to foster public discussion, and demonstrate “the Secretary’s continuing desire to engage Americans in the exchange of ideas on health care and the provision of human services. It provides an opportunity for the Secretary to share his observations as well as a means for him to have an open conversation about health and the related challenges that face the nation.”Mr. Leavitt has not yet decided if blogging is a permanent thing for him. He has committed to write for the next month or so. After this trial period “I’m going to see how I feel after that time period. I may continue; I may not”, the secretary wrote.

Responses and comments posted on the blog will be managed by staff following a detailed Comment Policy.

So for the next month, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with the head of HHS with the following caveat:

“We recognize that the Web is a 24/7 medium, and your comments are welcome at any time.  However, given the need to manage federal resources, moderating and posting of comments will occur during regular business hours Monday through Friday.  Comments submitted after hours or on weekends will be read and posted as early as possible the next business day.”

For your convenience, I have added a link to the Secretary’s Blog on Life-Science Panorama’s Blogroll (see the left hand column of the page under Blogroll).

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