Accelerating the Trajectory of Digital Sustainability in the Lab

How do We Challenge the Status Quo?

Improving laboratory efficiency is an imperative for the Life Sciences industry.  Whether you call it The Digital Lab, The Connected Lab, Lab of the Future, or the Next-Gen Lab, embracing the future of laboratory operations is more urgent than ever. 

At Axendia, we’ve been assessing the availability and maturity of technological solutions to support improvements in operational efficiency.

Our conversations with industry thought leaders show they do not dispute the value the advances of the digital lab will bring, especially around accelerating time to milestone, time to market and supply chain resiliency.

And yet, the inertia remains – and it’s not for a lack of digital tools. 

As we’ve explored the industry’s perception of ongoing “Digital Lab” initiatives, the feedback we’ve heard is these programs are rife with oversimplification.

From a technical standpoint, we continue to see a wide range of solutions designed to enable data mobility, visibility and accessibility, all of which have the potential to completely revolutionize lab operations.  We are pleasantly surprised to hear in our discussions with thought leaders and solution providers the common theme that “no singular solution or technology provider can solve the entire problem.” It will require collaboration amongst the technological ecosystem.

We certainly seem to be at inflection point, and if we’re going to boost the trajectory of progress, we can’t keep approaching the problem the same old way.

This view aligns with the industry’s desire for solutions that will integrate with and “lift up” their current heterogeneous lab ecosystems, because the reality is that Life Science organizations are not going to rip and replace what they currently have. 

How can you be a catalyst in the future of the Connected Lab and challenge the status quo?

  • Contribute to the conversation and follow us on LinkedIn.
  • Request an analyst inquiry with us here.
  • Message our team to help shape additional research on this topic.

Explore our detailed insights in the following Briefing Notes:

    To discuss how this initiative impacts your organization.  Click on this link to schedule an Analyst Inquiry on this topic.

    The opinions and analysis expressed in this post reflect the judgment of Axendia at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice. Information contained in this post is current as of publication date. Information cited is not warranted by Axendia but has been obtained through a valid research methodology. This post is not intended to endorse any company or product and should not be attributed as such.

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